Our Story

There is only one way our story could have even been possible and that is through the hands of God.  When beginning our adoption process I don’t think ether family ever had a clue as to how it would turn out. We went through the mountains of necessary paper work. We waited the necessary amount of years it takes to bring our babies home. And, after several heartbreaking delays experienced by both families we were rewarded with precious daughters given to both of us. Destined to travel together we formed a friendship via the internet long before we hit the air to fly to China.

Once in China, curious things started to happen that set off little red flags with both of our families. Our paper work kept getting switched by important officials as well as orphanage workers. People couldn’t tell our girls apart. We as families could see a difference, but others couldn’t. We even had our guide call the orphanage and ask if the girls could possibly be twins…the answer was “no”.

So, once home, we resumed our busy lives filled with the love of our new expanded families. We kept up our friendship, sharing stories and pictures back and forth every week or so. As our girls grew we all began to notice the similarities between them. While looking slightly different, they also looked shockingly similar! Our girls looked like sisters!

So, after a few years of tossing the idea around we decided to have them tested. This was done after many conversations between our families. It was not a decision we made lightly…we knew the results of a DNA test could possibly change the course of our lives forever.

After only a few days the results were clear-99.98% positive. Our girls are sisters… not just sisters but twins! We don’t know if they are fraternal or identical…that is another test for another day. But, we have all the information we need for now…our girls are sisters! So they not only have loving families to raise them, but they have each other-forever! This blog was started for them, in an attempt to help grow their relationship in a positive way.

We love you girls, and truly hope you will grow to love each other and realize the gift God has given you in a sister.